After a long break…

Some of you may remember that I interrupted my writing due to a health challenge. I had an operation which kept me away from my home and my writing routines and other projects almost six months. The winter did not helo much, but sitting in bed I decided to take part in the Nanowrimo 2023.

My story «The nurse’s code» ended up with 50013 words, a draft which I plan to revise. I shall post a synopsis for you and I shall keep you up to date with my progress. It will be the first time I revise a manuscript.

During this time I came up with another two ideas for books which are in the pre-pre- thinking phase, a crime thriller and a legal thriller, more on these later.

Here are some points of comeback advice which I borrowed from a number of articles

  1. Take a Break: Before diving into edits, give yourself some distance from your manuscript.
  2. Read Through: Once you’ve had some time away, read through your draft from start to finish. ake notes on areas that need improvement but refrain from editing every sentence.
  3. Identify Structural Issues: With your initial read-through complete, it’s time to assess the structural elements of your story. Make note of these issues and consider how they impact the overall narrative flow.
  4. Develop Characters: Characters are the heart of any story. Evaluate your protagonist’s motivations, strengths, and flaws. Ensure each character serves a purpose and undergoes meaningful growth throughout the story.
  5. Refine Dialogue and Descriptions: Dialogue should feel natural and propel the story forward. Pay attention to speech patterns, tone, and subtext. Review location descriptions.
  6. Trim and Tighten: NaNoWriMo encourages writers to prioritize quantity over quality, which often results in long and verbose drafts. Every word should earn its place on the page.
  7. Focus on Voice and Style: Experiment with sentence structure, rhythm, and tone to create a compelling narrative voice that resonates with readers.
  8. Seek Feedback: Don’t be afraid to share your revised draft with trusted beta readers or writing groups. This I shall need help with.
  9. Polish and Proofread: Once you’ve addressed feedback and made final revisions, it’s time to polish your manuscript. Proofread carefully for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. Consider hiring a professional editor for a thorough review if your budget allows. Much later….
  10. Celebrate Your Progress: Completing a NaNoWriMo draft and transforming it into a polished manuscript is no small feat. Celebrate your progress and the dedication it took to reach this stage. Remember, every edit brings you one step closer to sharing your story with the world. I have some time before I do that , in the meantime I shall celebrate my comeback.

That is all for now, more to come.

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I am Eve, an aspiring writer and content thinker, aiming to share my work. I live in the Greek island of Syros and I am trying to re-establish my writing routine.
